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12-08 20:24:32 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 四年级英语试卷 | 人气:859

苏教版小学4年级英语上册期中试题是关于 四年级英语试卷,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于小学四年级英语试卷,小学英语试卷分析方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。


笔试部分  一. 补充下列单词(10分)

1. Cl__ssr___m(教室)    2 . c_ _(小汽车)    3. shop_i_g(去购物)

4 . w__it __ess(女服务员 )    5 . ca__h__er(收银员)

五.读一读 , 连一连 。 (10分)

1. What do you want to do ?       Cold and snowy .

2. How is the weather ?         To the office .

3. Where are you going ?        Fine, thank you .

4. What are you doing ?         I want to buy a dress .

5. How are you?            I am driving a car .


1 . —Thank you ?

—— ______________

A. Yes .  B. You are welcome .  C. No.

2 .where are you going ?.

A. Thank you .  B.I can show you .  C. To the office .

3.Red is____.

A.Stop  B.Wait  C. go

4. The bus is far ____ the tree .

A. of  B. from  C. Where are you from ?

5. Where are you _____ ?

A. go  B. going  C. goes

6.____.Yes ! I want to buy a dress , please .

A. I am sorry.  B.May I help you?  C. Thank you .

7. 给别人指路时 . 你可以说:

A.OK, I’m sorry .  B. This way , please .

8. ----Where are the toys?


A. Here they are .  B. I want to buy a book .

9. ----- Pleases peaks lowly.


A. sure  B. No  C.Why

10. ------Excuse me ,can you help me ?


A. Yes  B. Good  C.Nice to meet you .

七 , 你能圈出正确的单词吗 ?(10分)

1. Where is the ( jym , gym )

2 . The school is(near, far ) from here .

3. Let’s go ( shopping , shop ) .

4. A( waiter , clerk ) works in a store .

5. May I( show , help ) you .


1. This , an , office ,building , is


2.classroom , is , where , the


3.you , I , show , can


4.sunny ,and ,It ,is ,hot


5.park , to , fly , let‘s, the , go , to , kits


九. 选出不是同一类的单词(10分)

( ) 1.A:fifty  B: sixty  C: tree  D : forty –one

( )2. A:clerk  B: doctor  C: waiter   D : egg

( )3. A:gym  B:far  C: classroom   D : library

( )A:seat  B:chair  C: bell  D : car

( ) 5. A:bus  B:car  C:cab  D : shop

十. 选择适当的单词填空: (10分)

Me,   are ,   turn,   to ,   a

1 .______ you like this dress ?

2 . Go down this street and______ left .

3 . Excuse______ ,where is the park ?

4 . Where______ the dresses ?

5 . I want to buy______ new pen .







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