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12-08 20:35:11 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 六年级英语寒假作业 | 人气:481

2017年六年级小学生寒假英语日记是关于 六年级英语寒假作业,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于小学六年级英语寒假作业,寒假作业答案方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。


january 25  2014

figure-wai of the Chinese New Year Eve, I went to the countryside vacation, fortunate to have witnessed an exciting tug of war game, and add more of that kind of excitement for the New Year fresh.Today we returned home under the family home, put on the big bag, packet on the "mighty" the village, and first entered the village, we heard, we are in a tug of war to be held this year, I was one, there is a kind of " there are good movies watched "feeling, joy on the heart. My hand resting on the package to go home after they went to see the details of the village committee, the original is held in the village and several other villages in a tug of war competition, all six men each village, competitions scheduled in the afternoon 3: 00, the winner also rewards it. "It's interesting" I do not know how the front of a bulletin board I have said so.

在农历新年除夕夜围,我去了乡下度假,有幸目睹了战争的拔河比赛令人兴奋,并添加有任何令人兴奋的新年新种类更多。今天,我们回到家里下家,把大袋的“包袱”放进村,刚进村,我们听到,我们在拔河比赛是今年将举行,我就是其中之一,有一种“有好戏看了”的感觉,我的手在包装上休息回家后,观看了村民委员会的细节,原来是在村里举行,并在战争拔河比赛其他几个村庄,所有六名男子每一个村庄,在下午举行的比赛3:00,获胜者还奖励了。 “有趣”我不知道如何在公告牌前说了。





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