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12-08 20:03:57 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 小升初英语试卷 | 人气:814

英语总复习综合练习题是关于 小升初英语试卷,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于小升初英语试卷及答案方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。

【编者寄语】www.jiaoxue51.com小升初频道,为大家收集整理了有关“英语总复习综合练习题 ”的相关要点,希望可以给大家带来帮助,具体内容,如下述:


1 There is _________ rain this year than last year. (much)

2 I‘m not as_________ (careful)as he.

3 The panda has been _________(die) for about two months.

4 I like her dress. It looks very _________(China).

5 I‘m not as _________ (careful)as he.

6 Summer is the _________ (hot)season of the year.

7 The blue one is _____ of all. (cheap)

8 English is one of _________ languages. (useful)


1 .The housework needs _______ time to finish.

A. much     B. many    C. lot    D. a lot

2. The coat is ______ than the cap.

A. cheap    B. cheapest    C. much cheaper    D. the cheapest

3 .When spring comes, days are getting ______.

A. warm and warm    B. warmer and warmer  C more warmer    D more and more warm

4.Come here, please. I‘ll tell you _______.)

A. anything important    B. important anything

C. something important    D. important something

5.I think it is too small. I want a _______ one.

A. bigger    B. biggest    C. biger    D. more bigger



2 谁更高一点,李明还是王涛?


4 那三张漂亮的,褐色的,旧的大方桌是我的.

以上是为大家整理的小升初“英语总复习综合练习题 ”相关知识全部内容。


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