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范文:A Football Game

12-08 20:41:30 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初二英语辅导 | 人气:809

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范文:A Football Game

Yesterday was the ninth day of the World Cup. There was a football match between China and Brazil. We know Brazilian Team is the top one of the world. Though the players of the Chinese Team tried their best, they still lost the game. The result of the game was 4:0. I think they did better than the first game.I believe they can learn a lot from Brazilian Team.

I hope the team of China will be a strong team one day.



Yesterday evening the team of China played against the team of Brazil. The game started at 7: 30. It was an exciting game.Brazilian Team is the best one in the world. Everyone in the team of China tried his best, but the team of Brazil was too strong.Chinese Team couldn't stop them. They kicked four goals, and our team lost the game.

We hope the players in Chinese Team can make great progress, and it will be a strong team one day.



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