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12-08 20:41:30 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初二英语辅导 | 人气:641

范文:放风筝(KiteFlying)是关于 初二英语辅导,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初二英语复习,初中英语学习方法大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。



放风筝(Kite Flying)

August, September and October are the months of kites flying, because the wind blows north-westwards. During these months, many Wonderful kites are flying in the blue sky.

One day as the school was over, Qin Bo, my classmate, called me accompanying him to have kite flying at the big grass field. I had not been flown kite for a long time. So I promised him at last, when I reached there at five, I found him waiting for me.

Many boys were flying their kites higher in the sky. They were excited when they found their kites win another's. They shouted with joy and jumped up and down.

Not long after, Qin Bo's kite was in the sky, but mine was not. I was so disappointed that I wanted to give up. But I thought how disgraceful I was. So I asked Qin Bo to exchange the kites. Oh! His kite was wonderful. It was so light that it flow higher than the kites of all. He told me why my kite could not fly because it was maderoughly; the head was heavy, and the end was light, I agreed and made up my mind to make a new kne that would fly high in the sky.






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