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12-08 20:41:30 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初二英语辅导 | 人气:785

范文:课外活动之我见是关于 初二英语辅导,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初二英语复习,初中英语学习方法大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。




My Views on Extracurricular Activity(课外活动之我见)






Some students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life. By going in for such activities, they can learn what they can't learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.

Others, however, don't like after class activities at all. They think that a student's work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.

In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won't learn in classrooms. School is not just a place for learning the difference between "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schedule. Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.

www.jiaoxue51.com 初中频道



Tags:初二英语辅导   ,初二英语复习,初中英语学习方法大全
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