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12-08 20:38:41 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初二英语辅导 | 人气:991

范文:快乐的星期天(AHappySunday)是关于 初二英语辅导,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初二英语复习,初中英语学习方法大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。



快乐的星期天(A Happy Sunday)

In my house, there are four goldfishes. On weekdays, I’m always busy. I must study and do homework and so on, so I have no time to care them.

But today is Sunday, I am very free. Then, I start to enjoy my goldfishes. They are colorful, but each has a big mouth, two small eyes and a long tail. I take the food and intend to feed them. They are very intelligent. It seems that they know I will feed them, so they are coming up from everywhere. Everyone is opening up its big mouth and waiting for the delicious food. I am smiling! They look very lovely! I keep holding the food. Then, they seem a little impatient, starting to swim up and down, and finally using their mouth hitting the tank, making the sound loudly! Their eyes are full of eagerness! I am laughing again, very loudly! Then, I put the food into the tank. They are eating it very quickly. I enjoy this process very much!

Today, I am really happy! What a happy Sunday!

www.jiaoxue51.com 初中频道



Tags:初二英语辅导   ,初二英语复习,初中英语学习方法大全
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