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12-08 20:42:33 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初三英语试卷 | 人气:830

初三上学期英语期中考试试题是关于 初三英语试卷,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初三英语试卷分析,初三英语学习方法大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。






2. A.Once a weekB.Twice a weekC.Three times a week

3. A.8:20B.8:40C.8:10

4.A.For two yearsB.Less than one yearC.More than three years

5. A.20 dollarsB.4 dollarsC.16 dollars

6. A.Mr. JackB.Mr. KingC.Mr. Jack King

7. A.Coffee with milkB.Milk with honeyC.Tea with honey

8. A.She is a girl with short blonde hair.

 B.She is a girl with long black hair.

 C.She is a girl with long blonde hair.

9. A.Lily.B.Lucy.C.They are the same.




10. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A birthday party.B. A new bike.C. Lucy’s parents.

11. What did Lucy ask Mike to do at the end of the conversation?

A. Try her new bike.B. Join her in the party.C. Say thanks to his parents.


12. When did Wang Bin go to Shanghai?

A. In the summer vacation.B. In the winter vacation.C. Last year.

13. How long did he stay there?

A. For a week.B. For more than a week.C. For less than a week.

14. How did he come back?

A. By train.B. By plane.C. By car.


15. Why can not Tom and Tina meet tonight?

A. Because Tina is not at home.B. Because Katrina is busy.

C. Because Tom is not in London.

16. What time does the plane take off?

A. 2:15B. 2:30C. 2:50

17. What’s Tom’s telephone number?

A.13962728454B.13692728454C. 13962728445


18. Why did the man go to New York during the holiday?

A. To learn English.B. To visit an American family.

C. To go for a holiday.

19. When did David come back from the USA?

A. On July 5th.B. On July 6th.C. On August 25th.

20. Why did he like staying with the Smiths?

A.They were his parents’ friends.

B.He could speak English with them.

C. He could eat western food every day.

21. What did he like best about the American classes?

A. The teachers were kind.B. The students were quite free.

C. Listening, reading, speaking and writing were all taught.


22. What does Tina do?

A.She is the speaker’s sister.B. She is an English teacher.

C. She is a student.

23. What kind of places do many buildings have in Japan?

A.Places for people to have rest.B. Places for people to put shoes.

C. Places for people to change clothes.

24. What happened to Tina one day?

A.Someone stole (偷) her shoes.

B.Someone sent her a pair of shoes.

C. Someone wore(穿) her shoes by mistake.

25. Which is right according to the text?

A.Tina works in a school in the evening.

B.Tina is a careless(粗心的) girl.

C.Tina put her shoes in a shopping bag.


第一节 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


26. No one  is able to  do it.

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