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12-08 20:46:07 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初中英语听力 | 人气:932

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[00:00.00] lesson 38

[00:40.41]Last night,the Swedish rock hand,"Yesterday",gave a concert in Kunming.

[00:50.16]More than 5000 people were there.Most of theme were students or young people.

[01:00.50]They enjoyed the music very much.


[03:02.00]Do you enjoy sport?

[03:10.04]Do you enjoy living here?


[03:34.86]Do you like sport?

[03:45.62]Do you like reading?

[03:55.65]Do you like to read newspapers?

[04:36.40]People roud the world enjoy football.

[04:50.27]But many pelple in the USA enjoy watching American football.

[05:10.62]Most young people enjoy pop music.

[05:21.70]But many old people enjoy listening to lod music.

[06:02.14]In the middle of the concert,one of the singers,Msx,had an accident.

[06:11.38]He jumped up and down,but he was very careless.

[06:17.65]He fell down and broke his legs.Some people took him to hospital.

[08:44.41]After Max left,there were only two singers-Erik and Elsa.

[08:53.63]They didn't want to stop the concert,so they went on.

[09:43.68]They sang some of their most famous songs:

[10:16.44]"Why did you leave me?"

[10:27.20]"There was someone in my heart"

[10:36.94]"She didn't rember my name "

[10:46.30]and "I can't forget the past".

[12:09.13]At the end of the concert,Eirk sang a song in Chinese.

[12:30.29]He sang very well.

[12:35.15]After the concert,he said,"I'mtrying to learn Chinese,

[12:42.51]and I like listering to Chinese songs.

[12:49.18]I learnt that song when I was in Shanghai last month.

[14:33.64]last night,....In the middle of....He jumped up and down,

[14:42.29]but he was....He fell down and broke...

[15:01.85]After...They didn't want to stop the concert,so they went on.

[15:33.02]and, and then , but, after that, then so,.....

[17:51.86]My father was born is stackholm in 1948.He lived there for 18 years.

[18:01.13]My grandfather worked in a big car factory,

[18:06.98]___my grandmother was a nurse at a hospital.

[18:14.92]My father had a sister,__there were 4 people in his family.

[18:58.36]My grandfather worked in a big car factory,

[19:03.93]and my grandmother was a nurse at a hospital.

[19:18.19]My father had a sister,so there were 4 people in his family.


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