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12-08 20:24:32 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 一年级英语同步练习 | 人气:896

一年级英语基础测试题答案是关于 一年级英语同步练习,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于小学一年级英语同步练习方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。


Vocabulary (20 marks)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (20*1=20 marks)

( ) 1. Put on your __________. The sun is shining


A. cap           B. hat

C. umbrella      D. helmet

( ) 2. The puppy is hiding in its ____________.

A. burrow       B. kennel       C. hutch          D. hut

( ) 3. The ___________ of thunder frightened the children.

A. rumbling     B. crying       C. shouting       D. screaming

( ) 4. Don‘t __________ your teacher as she is busy.

A. disturb      B. attract      C. help           D. assist

( ) 5. Donald took a __________ to school.

A. bus           B. lorry

C. truck         D. train

( ) 6. She was really __________ to have survived the crash.

A. silly        B. lucky        C. foolish        D. silly

( ) 7. This pen is too __________. I cannot afford it.

A. cheap        B. expensive    C. tiny           D. huge

( ) 8. The elephant has two white ____________.

A. trunks         B. tusks

C. sticks         D. wands

( ) 9. Some people believe in the existence of flying


A. saucers        B. plates

C. bowls          D. trays

( ) 10. Lily enjoys ___________.

A. papers        B. beads

C. cards         D. chess

( ) 11. It is dangerous to cycle on a _________ road.

A. quiet       B. busy         C. vacant         D. big

( ) 12. Stop building __________ in the air, Shela!

A. bungalows   B. flats        C. castles        D. squatters

( ) 13. Father bought me a ___________ that speaks


A. sparrow       B. nestling

C. parrot        D. swallow

( ) 14. Pauline struts like a ___________.

A. piglet      B. leopard      C. monkey         D. peacock

( ) 15. Larry won a __________ in the swimming meet.

A. cup           B. trophy

C. kettle        D. bottle

( ) 16. The sky is getting __________. It may rain soon.

A. fair        B. dark         C. clear          D. foggy

( ) 17. The rabbits __________ in the ground.

A. burrow      B. drift        C. swim           D. pull

( ) 18. Water becomes ice when __________.

A. frozen      B. melted       C. boiled         D. hot

( ) 19. The snake __________ to the music of the flute.

A. changed     B. leaped       C. ran            D. swayed

( ) 20. A/An _________ measures the temperature of objects.

A. oven        B. flask        C. thermometer    D. tropical

Grammar (30 marks)

Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks)

21. Minah has ( order, orders, ordered ) a plate of noodles.

22. The handbag was ( find, finds, found ) under the table.

23. ’Wayangs‘ are operas ( perform, performs, performed ) on stage in open fields.

24. The cat ( catch, catches, caught ) the rat which ran too slowly.

25. Bees ( live, lives, living ) together in colonies.

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