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12-08 20:24:32 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 六年级英语试卷 | 人气:921

冀教版六年级英语下册第四单元试卷是关于 六年级英语试卷,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于小学六年级英语试卷,小学英语试卷分析方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。






1、A、drink B、swim C、swing

2、A、take a trip B、take a train C、take a rest

3、A、read a book B、read books C、read funny books

4、A、Amy is 13 B、Amy is 30 C、Amy is 14

5、learned Chinese B、learned English C、learn Chinese

6、I went hiking B、He went swimming C、He went hiking

7、Ben is happier B、Ben is heavier C、Ben is busier

8、A、Did he climb a mountain?

B、Dose he climb a tree? C、Did he climb a tree?


1、Amy is _________ and __________ than Sarah.

2、I’m wearing ____________ .

3、Mike can’t ¬¬¬_________ . His throat is ___________ .

4、Zhang Peng usually _________ kites on weekends.

But last weekend he __________ English at home.

5、Did you _________ the floor __________.

6、My dog is __________ , but I am ___________.

7、____________ is the fifth day of the week.

8、I went to the ___________ store __________ Danny.[

9、Tomorrow, it’s a _________ for Li Ming. Don’t ______ him.


( )1、Alice and her sister are having their holiday.

( )2、They went to the library by bike.

( )3、They ate lunch in the library.

( )4、Alice bought a pair of shoes.

( )5、Joe was very tired.

( )6、Jenny finds some flags and shows them to Danny.


四、 同学们,请认真辨析单词,根据要求完成下面的填空吧!

eat(过去式)______ see(过去式)______ begin(过去式)_______

take(分词)________ buy(分词)________ swim(分词)¬¬¬________

so__eone remem__er cre__m surpr__se dra__on



( )1、I want to buy gifts ________ my family.

A、with B、to C、for

( )2、“I need eleven gifts for every person in my family”________ Li Ming.

A、answered B、answer C、answers

( )3、“______________________?”asks Jenny.

“Seven dollar, that’s very cheap!”says Mike.

A、How much are they? B、How long are they? C、How many are they

( )4、John wanted ____________ basketball with a ping-pong ball!

A、to plays B、to playing C、to play

( )5、What did you do on your holiday?

A、I see elephants. B、I rowed a boat. C、I sang and dance

( )6、Amy and Chen Jie ________ in the river.

A、went swimming B、went to America C、go to Dalian

( )7、Did they row a boat on that day?

A、Yes, they didn’t. B、No, they did. C、Yes, they did.

( )8、I went to the park ______ my parents last weekend.

A、in B、and C、with

( )9、Did Sarah ______________ yesterday?

A、go to the bookstore.

B、went to the park.

C、go to the cinema.

( )10、“___________________?”asks Lily.

“It’s ten hours to Beijing!”says Zhang Feng.

A、How many times?

B、How much does it?

C、How long is the trip?


Q: ____________________________________________?

A: Yes, she bought a birthday card for her mother.


A: I am getting ready to go home next week.


A: I need eleven gifts for every person in my family.


A: Yes, I asked Santa for a camera, and I got one![


A: At 4:00. Don’t be late, and don’t come after 4:00.

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