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六年级英语第二单元单词:Unit 2

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Unit 2

1. airport n. 机场

例句:This is one of the busiest international airport in the world.


2. Los Angeles n. 洛杉矶

例句:Los Angeles is the second largest city in the US.


3. suitcase n. 手提箱

例句:Have you packed your suitcase yet?


4. silk n. 丝绸

短语:silk scarf, dress 丝制的围巾﹑ 连衣裙

5. before adv. 以前

例句:I've seen that film before.


6. T-shirt n. T恤衫

例句:She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt.


7. several adj. 几个

例句:He's written several books about India.


8. however adv. 然而

例句:She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate.

她病了。 然而她照旧去上班, 并且尽力集中精神工作。

9. pack v. 装(箱)

例句:Don't forget to pack your toothbrush!


10. flight n. 航班

例句:All flights have been cancelled because of fog.


11. passenger n. 乘客;旅客

例句:The driver of the car was killed in the crash but both passengers escaped unhurt.

事故中汽车司机丧生, 但两名乘客幸未受伤。

12. departure n. 离开;出发

例句:His departure was quite unexpected.


13. have to modal v. 不得不

例句:He has to pass an examination before he can start work.

他须考试及格, 才能开始工作。

14. worry v. 担心

例句:There's nothing to worry about.


15. London n. 伦敦

例句:London is the capital city of the UK, in southeast England on the River Thames.


16. note n. 短信;注释;提醒

例句:He wrote me a note asking if I would come.

他给我写了个便条, 问我是否能来。

17. trolley n. 手推车

短语:a luggage trolley 运送行李的手推车 a shopping trolley 购物手推车

18. passport n. 护照

短语:a British passport 英国护照

19. boarding card n. 登机牌

例句:You have to get a boarding card to board a plane.


20. name tag n. 姓名牌

例句:Everyone in the company has a name tag.


21. bring v. 带…到某处;带来

例句:She brought her boyfriend to the party.


22. dollar n. 元(美国,加拿大等国家货币单位)

例句:Oil from these fields is priced in dollars.


23. address n. 地址

例句:Tell me if you change your address.

如果你的地址改变了, 请告诉我。

24. checklist n. 清单;核对表

例句:The guide contains a useful checklist of points to look for when buying a car.



小学六年级第一单元英语单词:Unit 1  



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