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最新优秀英语作文---A bad day

12-08 20:35:11 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 小学英语作文 | 人气:238

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A bad day

I felt very bad early today because everything went wrong.

Then in the classroom I found that I brought a wrong test book and no pen.

Finally when I got home everything became much better.


I felt very bad early today because everything went wrong.In the morning my alarm clock didn't work and I didn't went school on time.In the kichen my mum was angry and hooling at me.She thought I went to bed too late last night.On the way to school it started to rain and I forgot to bring my umbrella.What bad luck!

Then in the classroom I found that I brought a wrong test book and no pen.When I was eating my lunch I found the rice taste sour and there was a worm in my apple.In the afternoon my stomach felt strange.It must be the sour rice.How could this be!

Finally when I got home everything became much better.My stomach was fine and my mother prepared a delicious dinner for me.After dinner I had a nice hot bath.Right now I felt great.I hope everything can be fine tomorrow.

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