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12-08 20:34:06 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 小学英语作文 | 人气:808

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Yesterday my teacher told us that there was a typhoon.

In the middle night,the wind blowed harder and the rain came down harder,too.

This morning the typhoon had already left.


Yesterday my teacher told us that there was a typhoon and I was so scared of it.After dinner we prepared some candles and lighters in case there was no eletricity.And then we were just sitting in the living room and watching the news about the typhoon.

In the middle night,the wind blowed harder and the rain came down harder,too.The trees outside were blowed by the strong wind and batter a lot.The sounds outside was very loud and scary.Sometimes I could hear an ambulance driving by I hope it was not someone hit by an object.

This morning the typhoon had already left.My grandfather and I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood.Some trees fail down,some cars were damaged and some houses were damaged,too.But my father's car,my house and my family are fine.

Thank god!



小学英语作文:My hobbies

小学英语作文:My family



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