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初二英语Lesson 106教学知识点

12-08 20:41:30 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初二英语辅导 | 人气:236

初二英语Lesson 106教学知识点是关于 初二英语辅导,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初二英语复习,初中英语学习方法大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。

【摘要】“初二英语Lesson 106教学知识点”本文是编者为大家带来的初二英语知识点,供大家参考,希望可以给大家的学习带来帮助:

Lesson 106教学设计示例



(1)掌握新词汇:usually, right now, sometimes, take off, after school.





Step 1  Revision

1  Revise the dialogue in Lesson 105.

2  Call out some students to do questions and answers as required in SB Lesson 105, Part 2.

Step 2  Presentation

Teach weekend (= Saturday and Sunday) and usually. Draw two columns on the Bb. Label one On weekdays and the other On weekends. Answer questions from the class: e.g. On weekdays, what time / when do you usually get up? Make a note of the answers on the Bb:

On Weekdays    On Weekends

get up?               7:00          7:30

have breakfast?         7:15          7:45

have lunch?            12:15         12:00

have ,supper?          6:30          6:00

watch TV?            7:00          6:30

go to bed ?            9:30          10: 00

Ask randomly On weekends, what time / when do you usually have lunch? etc.

Step 3  Practice

Get the students to ask and answer in pairs, in order to make a table like the one on the Bb.

Step 4  Ask and answer

SB Page 52, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 106. Books closed! Listen and repeat. Then open the books and ask and answer the questions. Do the first two as examples. Then get the students to work in pairs.

Step 5  Answer

SB Page 52, Part 2. In pairs, have students ask and answer the questions concerning the times given. Also encourage the students to ask more questions. Then have several students tell about their partners schedule. Again, make sure the students are talking to each other, and not just writing down the information.

Step 6  Workbook

SB Page 132, Wb Lesson 106. Exx. 1 and 3 must be done in class. Ex. 2 should also be done orally in class. After students form the correct sentences, they should translate them into Chinese so that they may find out the different word order in Chinese and English.


Act out the dialogue in Ex. 3 of Wb Lesson 106. Write down the sentences in Ex. 2.

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