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范文:My ideal school

12-08 20:41:30 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初二英语辅导 | 人气:267

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范文:My ideal school

My ideal school

My ideal school day will start at 9:30 a.m. because I like sleeping. The school day finishes at 3:30 p.m. We will have more free time to do other things.

We have an hour for lunch. There is a big and beautiful dining hall. We can eat tasty meals, chat and have a rest in it. We can listen to pop music while we have lunch. It's wonderful.

We have seven subjects. They are Computer Studies, English, Geography, History, Home Economics, Swimming and Tennis. So we have a swimming pool and a tennis court. We also have many clubs, such as Cooking Lessons, Drama Club, Driving Lessons, Film Club, Reading Club, Singing Group.

We wear school uniforms. Girls wear skirts, white blouses, ties and coats. Boys wear black trousers, white shirts, ties and coats.

There is a beautiful park and some shops near the school. In the school, there is a big library with lots of books.

We don't have homework every day. But we will do some exercises in class. Every month, we go on a school trip. It's interesting.

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