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12-08 20:41:30 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初二英语同步练习 | 人气:366

2017年八年级英语同步练习—词汇练习题是关于 初二英语同步练习,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初二英语同步练习大全,初中英语学习方法大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。


142. Did you go to the a____________to watch a dolphin show?

143. It’s very lucky for you to get Jackie Chen’s a______ .

144. He went to a g______ shop and bought some s______ .

145. They don’t live here now. They m______ to Beijing last year.

146. I h______ out with my friends in the mall the day before yesterday.

147. Luckily, I m______ him at the movie theatre.

148. How was your last day o______ ?

149. What do you want to do in the f______ ?

150. He went for a d______ with his girlfriend just now.

151. I was busy the w______ day(整天), I was busy d______ chores.

152. Jim had much fun s______ (滑冰) last Sunday.

153. What e______ (其他事情)did you do on your last day off?=What o______ things did you do on your last day off?

154. Many v______ from Xiamen came to our school last Friday.

155. He w______first prize in the competition yesterday.

156. At the e______of the day, Gina was very happy because she bought many books.

157. She spent 150 yuan b______ a new dress.

158. The story s______ interesting, and we are i______ in it.

159. The apple tastes g______ , and it sells w____


142. aquarium 143. autography144. gift, souvenirs 145. moved

146. hung 147. met 148. off 149. future 150. drive 151. whole

152. skating 153. else, other 154. visitors 155. won 156. end

157. buying 158. sounds, interested 159. good, well



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