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Bringing the community into school初中英语阅读专题

12-08 20:46:07 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初中英语阅读 | 人气:511

Bringing the community into school初中英语阅读专题是关于 初中英语阅读,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初中英语阅读理解,初中英语阅读训练方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。

亲爱的同学们,你已经在历史的海洋中获取了许多知识,该是你大显身手的时候了,希望你认真审题,精挑细选,细心答题,这篇Bringing the community into school初中英语阅读专题,祝你取得优异的成绩。

IN most Western countries schools are a really important part of the community.

For example, in Britain, schools are governed by boards of governors (理事会). Such boards will include the school head teacher, teachers, parents of students and other people from the community.

There are parents' evenings. At a parents' evening, parents go along to discuss their child's work with the teachers. In one-to-one talks teachers tell the parents how the kids is doing and ask for the parents' own input (投入). If kids are not working hard, they may find themselves told off (被批评) after a parents' evening! If a kid is trying hard, but has a problem, the parents and the teachers try to work out a way to help.

There are other ways in which parents get involved (参与). Schools put on plays, at Christmas and on other festivals. Moms and dads come along to watch their kids' first steps in acting.

Schools also hold Sports Days. These are like miniature Olympic Games. Parents go along to watch their kids competing in a number of games - some quite a lot more fun than those in the Olympics. I remember taking part in a three-legged race (竞赛) when I was a kid!

小编为大家整理的Bringing the community into school初中英语阅读专题,希望可以帮助大家,也希望大家好好利用,加把劲努力复习哟~~


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