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12-08 20:46:07 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初中英语完形填空 | 人气:774

初中英语完形填空专题自测练习题(20)是关于 初中英语完形填空,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于初中英语完形填空大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。


Crocodiles (鳄鱼) 1 their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand. Baby crocodiles use their teeth 2 their way out of the shells (壳).

Crocodiles only live 3 it is hot. They are found in Australia 4 America. They spend most of 5 time lying around in the rivers. The crocodiles’ long tail 6 when the animal is swimming. It is an excellent weapon(武器). It 7 be used to strike (打击) the 8 . One blow will knock 9 a man or even a big animal at 10 . The crocodile has a hard neck. It cannot turn its 11 from side to side and so it can 12 see in front of itself. The crocodile has its teeth 13 by the crocodile bird. For its food this bird takes the bits in the crocodile’s mouth. This helps the crocodile a lot 14 it cannot move its tongue up and down. 15 its terrible teeth it catches its food. The food may be a fish, an animal, or even a careless man.

A. lay B. lie C. lain D. lying

A. to feel B. to turn C. to break D. to rush

A. when B. while C. where D. if

A. as B. and C. but D. so

A. its B. hot C. their D. cold

A. is used B. for help C. very useful D. be helpful

A. should B. can C. need D. must

A. friend B. enemy C. student D. family

A. soon B. far C. up D. down

A. most B. best C. once D. worst

A. tail B. head C. eyes D. body

A. not only B. still C. even D. only

A. pulled B. cleaned C. taken D. brushed

A. because B. so C. if D. whether

A. Under B. Between C. For D. With



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