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12-08 20:46:07 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初中英语完形填空 | 人气:737

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Filial piety (孝) is a traditional Chinese virtue. Recently, a dutiful 19-year-old boy, Tian Zhengyang, moved many people with the __36__ of how he took care of his blind (失明的) mother.

Tian __37__ in a village in Hubei province. His mother has a heart disease and is almost __38__. Tian's father was a farmer and the only working member of the __39__. In 2003, Tian's father died in a car accident. The 11-year-old Tian then had to take care of his family by __40__.

The hard life didn't keep Tian down; __41__ it made him even stronger. He studied hard and took care of his mother.

In 2008, Tian entered Dawu No. 1 Middle School. The school was __42__ his home and he only had half a day off every month. Tian couldn't __43__ his mother alone, so he decided to __44__ a house near the school. Every day after school, Tian went back to the small house to cook for his mother.

Looking after his mother __45__ a lot of Tian's time and energy, but he still does well in school. This summer, he got a high mark of 602 in the college entrance examination and was __46__ by Central China Normal University.

Tian's story has received a lot of __47__. Many people praise him as a dutiful son and say they can learn from Tian.

36. A. story B. news C. behavior D. skill

37. A. works B. lives C. arrives D. stays

38. A. weak B. strong C. tired D. blind

39. A. village B. family C. school D. group

40. A. me B. myself C. him D. himself

41. A. however B. so C. instead D. besides

42. A. close to B. separated from C. far away from D. connected to

43. A. leave B. keep C. make D. follow

44. A. reached B. rent C. entered D. needed

45. A. puts up B. gives up C. takes up D. saves up

46. A. sent B. taken C. received D. accepted

47. A. good word B. public attention C. surprise D. admiration




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