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12-08 20:04:12 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 高一英语试题 | 人气:261

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( ) 1. How does the man speaker feel about the woman speaker?

A. Brave. B. Crazy. C. Foolish.

( ) 2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In the woman’s office.

B. In the man’s company.

C. In the man’s house.

( ) 3. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The dentist doesn’t have time to see the man.

B. The man’s toothache is getting worse.

C. The man doesn’t have to see the dentist.

( ) 4. What time is it now?

A. 7:40. B. 7:50. C. 8:00.

( ) 5. What does the man mean?

A. He thought the woman didn’t allow him to dance.

B. He thought he could dance in the woman’s room.

C. He thought the woman didn’t know he was dancing.




( ) 6. Who is the woman most probably?

A. Dr. Smith’s assistant.

B. Dr. Smith’s wife.

C. Dr. Smith’s patient.

( ) 7. When will the man come to see the doctor?

A. At 8:30 on Tuesday.

B. At 9:00 on Tuesday.

C. At 8:30 on Friday.


( ) 8. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student.

B. Mother and son.

C. Classmates.

( ) 9. How can we deal with a lecture according to the woman?

A. Selecting the most important points of a lecture.

B. Trying to write down every word the lecturer says.

C. Paying attention to how the lecturer adds his headings.


( ) 10. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Whether drinking coffee does harm to health.

B. How to drink coffee in a proper way.

C. How much coffee they should drink.

( ) 11. Where does the man get the information?

A. From a scientific study.

B. From news reports.

C. From a medical class.

( ) 12. What is the woman’s opinion about the statistic?

A. It’s quite accurate and scientific.

B. It’s comes from scientific studies.

C. It’s easy to cause a misunderstanding.


( ) 13. What is the man doing now?

A. Buying today’s newspaper.

B. Putting away yesterday’ s newspaper.

C. Reading a copy of China Daily.

( ) 14. What section can we find in the Sunday edition according to the conversation?

A. Business. B. World affairs. C. Art.

( ) 15. Why does the man prefer the English newspapers?

A. He can practice his English while reading.

B. He likes to use it for his teaching.

C. He wants to work as a reporter worldwide.

( ) 16. What news does the woman like best?

A. Local news. B. National news. C. International news.


( ) 17. What energy is the plane powered by?

A. Electricity. B. Nuclear. C. Solar.

( ) 18. How can we describe the plane?

A. It is small, light, using much energy.

B. It is small, heavy, using much energy.

C. It is big, light, using little energy.

( ) 19. Why do engineers want to test the night flight?

A. To build a second plane.

B. To confirm it’s safe to fly at night.

C. To use it at night in the future.

( ) 20. What is the average speed of the plane?

A. 45 kph. B. 70 kph. C. 140 kph.

第一节 单项填空

( ) 21. —Carl, what you have done has interrupted (扰乱) my reading.

—______, Tom, I won’t do it again.

A. What a pity B. I beg your pardon

C. You’re welcome D. That’s OK

( ) 22. Iraq has __________ too many wars since 1990, making his people __________ a lot.

A. got through; pay B. looked through; face

C. gone through; suffer D. passed through; destroy

( ) 23. His father told me that he __________ for the United States three days __________.

A. has left; ago B. had left; ago C. left; ago D. had left; before

( ) 24. ______ what he said is true, there is no need for us to be worried.

A. When B. However C. Even though D. As if

( ) 25. —I missed the first part of the film. It was really a pity.

—You __________ home half an hour earlier.

A. should go B. must have gone C. should leave D. should have left

( ) 26. —How many times have you been to China?

—In fact, it is the first time I __________ here.

A. was B. am C. had been D. have been

( ) 27. There was __________ time __________ I hated to go to school.

A. a; that B. a; when C. the; that D. the; when

( ) 28. The teacher raised her voice __________ everyone could hear clearly.

A. in order to B. in order that C. so as to D. so long as

( ) 29. The other day, when I was shopping, I happened __________ my former teacher whom I __________ for many years.

A. to meet; hadn’t seen B. meeting; haven’t seen

C. to meet; haven’t seen D. meeting; hadn’t seen

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