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高三英语练习:Module 11三四单元同步评估对话填空

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高三英语练习:Module 11三四单元同步评估对话填空


第一节 对话填空(共10小题)


A = Amy L = Lucy

A: Hey, Lucy. I heard that Tom was elected (51) c______ of the student union last week. Do you know anything about him?

L: Yeah, my friend Mary (52) i______ him to me at a party in her house.

A: So, tell me something about him, please.

L: Well, as (53) f______ as I know, he is a man of great determination. You know, we used to be (54) f______ with piles of books and test papers every day, and too much homework (55) t______ up most of our spare time. Tom felt that he had to decide (56) o______ a plan of action. And after that we are able to (57) r______ our mind by taking part in various after-class (58) a______, which do our health a lot of good.

A: Wow, that’s great!Anything else?

L: Well, as a Chinese Communist Party member, he is always (59) r______ to help others. When his classmate Mary’s father was proved guilty and put into (60) p______, he helped her with her life and study.

A: Oh, he is really a nice guy!

L: I agree.

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