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If you go to the party you will have a great time

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 If you go to the party you will have a great time

【课题】:Unit 5 If you go to the party, you will have a great time . Section A (3a-4)

【励志小木屋】:The first element of success is the detemination to succeed.成功的首要条件是决心。


知识目标 1.识记并会运用单词clean-up, flower, during

2.理解并运用短语let...in, take away, ask sb. to do sth.

3. 掌握并运用句型If you wear jeans, we won’t let you in.

If you do, the teachers will take it away.


情感目标:“没有规矩不能成方圆” 人人都应当自觉遵守学校规章,社会公德。



一. 自主预习

(一) 预习任务


1. 预习并记忆单词 组内 互相提问

2. 展示交流,小组竞赛(以听写形式进行展示)

组织___________ 清扫,清除_______________玩的愉快¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬____________

拿走___________ 花_____________


1. 自我总结本单元的重点句型

2. 两人一组练习对话

预习任务三: The rules of the school party.



(二) 预习诊断. 选出各句相对应的答语

1.What will happen if we bring the A. He said I was hard-working.

snacks to the party?

2.What did the teacher say? B. I’m sorry to hear that.

3. Hoe does Ann go to school? C. A lawyer(律师)

4. My grandma had a bad cold last week. D. The teachers will take them away

5. What’s she going to be? E. She goes to school by bike.

(三) 预习反思 Do you have any questions ?


Step 1 预习交流------精讲点拨

If you wear jeans, we won’t let you in.

let... in “让......进来”,其中in为副词,接代词作宾语时,代词放中间。

take away 意为“取走,拿走” 其中away为副词,接代词作宾语时,代词放中间。The umbrella is behind the door. Don’t forget to take it away.

Step2 Warming-up Step 3 Lead-in Step4 3a

Step 5 拓展延伸:对话匹配


1. I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party.

2. What will happen if I bring food to the party?

3. I’m going to the beachnext Sunday.

4. Don’t yun in the classroom.

5. What is Jane going to do this evening?


A. The teacher will take it away.

B. I’m sorry, I won’t.

C. If you do , the teacher won’t let you in.

D. She’s going to study for a test.

E. Me,too. Let’s have a swim then.

Step 6 系统总结

三、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分 ________

选词填空 shout, call, ask, let, wear, take, bring

1. Don’t ______ jeans. If you do, we won’t _____ you in.

2. Don’t _____ food to the party. If you do,the teachers will ____ it away.

3. Don’t bring friends from other schools. If you do, the teachers will ___ them to leave.

4. Don’t be late. If you do, the teacher will_______ your parents.

5. Don’t yun or _____ at the party, if you do, you’ll have to leave.

单选6. _______ will happen if we have the party today? A. That B. What C. How

7. ---- I’m going to the party. ------ _____________ . A. Me,too B. I, too C. My, too

8. I don’t need these things. Please _____ ______ ______ (拿走)

9.Please remember _________ (turn) off the TV when you lave.

10. She asked me _________ (buy) an MP4 for her.


改错1.If I go to the party, I would bring them some flowers.

2. Do they going to do some shopping next Sunday?

填空 3.My parents want me _____ (learn) Chinese medicine.

4._________ (not shout) at the party. It’s impolite(不礼貌的)

5. My parents told me __________ (learn) another language.

6. If he _______ (come) tomorrow, I will call you.

7. You mustn’t eat in class. (改为祈使句) _______ _______ in class.

8. Get up early, or you’ll be late for the meeting.(同义句)

_____ you _____ get up early, you’ll be late for the meeting.

9.If we have the party today,half the class won’t come.(对画线部分提问)

_______ _______ ________ if we have the party today?

10. _____ ____ _____ _______ (他的一半的书)are written in English.

11. You should follow ____ ______ ______ ______ _______ (学校聚会规则)

12. The teacher asks us to ______ _______ (整理) our desks every day.


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