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Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

03-06 18:10:53 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初二英语教案 | 人气:930

Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案是关于 初二英语教案,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于八年级上册英语教案,人教八年级英语教案,八年级下册英语教案方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。

Lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案

  Teaching objectives:

  Grasp the story and new words and useful expressions.

  Teaching procedures:

  (录像演示)1.由电影Titanic的片断引出本课的教学,让学生讨论有关对Titanic的了解,展示一些图片,让学生更多地了解有关the ship Titanic的背景知识。并教学新词汇Titanic。

  (录像演示)2.播放Miss Evans的故事情景,让学生熟悉故事内容。



  •1. When was the ship’s first trip?

  •2. Where was it from? Where was it?

  •3. How many people were on the ship?

  •4. What happened the second night of the trip?

  •5. What did people do to escape?

  •6. What did Miss Evans do?

  •7. What happened to the ship at last?

  •8. How many people lost their lives?

  Retell the story


(学生活动)Discussion 让学生讨论Miss Evans的行为,发表自己的想法,同时假设是你自己时你该如何处理,使学生从中受到爱国主义教育,见义勇为,舍己为人。

  What do you think of Miss Evans?

  What would you have done if you were on the Titanic when it sank?

What shall we learn from Miss Evans?

  •If you are the mother on the lifeboat,

  •How did you feel when you found your children were on the lifeboat but you were still on the sinking ship?

  •What did you do then? Was there any more room in the boat?


  Read the story on page 57 again and ask each other questions on it. Then fill in the blanks with suitable words.

  The new ship Titanic set off on its first trip one afternoon in April 1912. It was ______ largest and ______ ship in the world at that time. There ______ 2,200 people on the ship. The weather was cold, ______ the trip was _____ and people on the ship were enjoying ______.

  It was even colder the next day. People could see icebergs ______ and _______ That night, the man on watch suddenly shouted, “______ ______! Iceberg! Iceberg in front!” ______ it was too late. The ship ______ the iceberg and stopped. There was ______ very big hole in the ship and the water ______ to come inside. The ship ______ to sink.

  People left the ship ______ quickly ______ they could. Women and children were the ______ to get into the lifeboats. Suddenly a woman on the ship ______ and asked people to make ______ for her because her children ______ in one of the boats and she wanted to ______ with them. But there was no ______ room there. Her children ______ their mother and began to cry. ______ young woman was ______ near the poor children. She stood up and asked the worried mother to ______ her place. She was not ______ and ______ no children. The mother and her children were ______ but the young woman ______ her life with the other people when the ship ______. Her name was Miss Evans and she was ______ home to Boston. That was all people ______ about her.


  1. Write about the ship Titanic.

  2. Make sentences with following phrases.

    set off, enjoy oneself, here and there, make/have room for, be on watch

  3. Look up the new words in the article “WE LIVE IN AN ICEBOX!”.

  4. Do exercises on page 128. Finish off the workbook exercise.

  English song

  (录像演示)播放电影Titanic的主题歌曲My heart will go on,让学生欣赏。

   More about the Titanic

  图片展示the ship Titanic的壮观景象。

  1.The Titanic Goes Down

  (录像演示)播放the ship Titanic沉船的经过。

  2. About the film Titanic


  3. The wreck of the ship Titanic

  (图片)展示the ship Titanic的残骸。

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