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九年级英语Lesson 46 Help People教案

12-08 20:42:33 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初三英语教案 | 人气:993

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 九年级英语Lesson 46 Help People教案

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: save

Oral words and expressions: beard, Saint Nicholas, sailor, Nikolaus, pole, the North Pole, sleigh, reindeer, Rudolph, chimney

Teaching Aims:

1. Know more about the foreign festivals.

2. Learn the history of Christmas.

Teaching Important Points:

1. The history of Christmas.

2. The story of Santa Claus.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The story of Santa Claus.

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: Audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Show some pictures of Christmas to the students. Let them say the main features of Christmas.

S1: We can see Christmas cards, Christmas tree and Christmas Eve.

S2: We can get Christmas presents and Christmas cards on that day.

Step2.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT’.

Ask some students talk about the questions in front of the class. If they have some words that they don’t know how to say, the teacher may help them.

Christmas is very popular in cities in China. Many shopping centers sell well on that day. They also send Christmas presents and Christmas hats on that day.

Step3. Listen to the tape and answer the following question:

1. Who and Christmas go together?

2. Was there really a Santa Claus?

Step4. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What does Santa Claus wear?

2. Where did he come from?

Step5. Discuss the text in details. Encourage them to ask more questions about this text.

1. Tell the old stories about Santa Claus.

2. Do the quick quiz.

Step6. Retell the story. Sum the main points of this text. Retell the story in their own words, but not word by word.

Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Finish the task in groups. Write down the composition in the exercise book. Then change it in the group. If they find someone’s composition can’t be understood. They can ask the teacher for help.

Step8. Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in activity book.

2. Go on the next reading in the student book.


Christmas is more and more popular in China. Many foreign festivals have come to China in the past years. We know more about the foreign countries. It is necessary for us students and teachers. When someone asks the story, we can tell him in details. We are very proud of it.


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