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英语作文五一节My labors day作文400字

02-03 15:58:23 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 劳动节的作文 | 人气:787

英语作文五一节My labors day作文400字是关于 劳动节的作文,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于关于劳动节的作文,以劳动节为话题的作文,作文400字方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。

My labor's day The expectant Labor Day arrived at finally,we cantake a break finally. The seldom several days holidays, I want to play a fully enjoy.The first day, I'm going to Yiwu. I by train, Setout from Shanghai, by way of Jiaxing and Hangzhou. The scenery in the journey is very beautiful, There is many hills, But not how many waters, My happpy mood did not therefore suffer the influence, Because I'm not to like the water very much, Especially big river.Keep in mind the strange and pleased mood, I arrived Yiwu. The many people says, Yiwu become famous because of small merchandise, I approve very much now, However the night that I like it. I live the neighborhood in hills, Air is very good, But there is a lot of insectual. The sunlight is very strong there sevral days, Usually in the daytime of time, I sleeping in house, The nightfall go to play. Very quick a week passde by.The holidays be over, I felt not how happy, But I hope that I can to breathe the air on the hills again. Expect the labor day of the next year.
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