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Identifying Chips 英语作文-作文网

01-24 15:37:06 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 高中英语作文 | 人气:738

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Identifying Chips

No bigger than a grain of rice and embedded beneath a person’s skin, the computer identifying chips will be the future ID card someday.

ID cards are easy to counterfeit while the chips are extremely hard to remove or fake. In addition, the chip has no power supply; rather, it has a millimeter-long magnetic coil that is activated when a scanning device is running across the skin above it. A tiny transmitter on the chip sends out the data. But without the scanning device the chip can’t be read. By limiting the use of scanners can people control what the technology is used for. airports, nuclear plants and other high-security facilities to avoid the problem of negligence on the part of security guards. Other uses include satellite tracking of an individual’s energy movement to the storage data such as medical records. So it’s good news for those who are afraid of being kidnapped, requiring paramedical services or suffering from serious allergies. Besides, with chips which can be implanted into animals being made, owners can find the lost pets with ease.

Have you lost your ID card? No, it’s still in your body.

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