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一件开心的事 英语作文-作文网

01-24 15:54:29 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 高考英语作文 | 人气:182

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March 4th Friday Sunny
After school this afternoon, on my way home I met two American friends who lost their way. They forgot the way to the hotel where they stayed. As I knew where the hotel was, I decided to take them there. On the road, we talked a lot. I told them about the great changes in the city,such as the wider road, the more convenient transportation, the fresher air and so on. I also introduced that now Chinese students needn't spend most of their time on textbooks any more, because they didn't have as much homework as before. In their spare time, they could choose whatover they like to learn. The American friends told me something about the American youth as well.
It was late when I got home, but I was very happy. Because I not only helped American friends, but also realized the importance of learning a foreign language well.

3月4日 星期五 睛

March 4th Friday Sunny
After school this afternoon, on my way home I met two American friends who didn't know how to go back to their hotel. They looked very worried. As I knew where the hotel was, I decided to take them there. On the road I told them that the city had changed a lot. And I also introduced that now Chinese students needn't spend most of their time on textbooks any more. Chinese students had more free time. In their spare time, they could develop their own interests and take part in some social activities. The American friends told me something about the American youth as well. I enlarged my knowledge of American youth.
Although it was late when I arrived home, I was really very happy.Because I not only helped American friends out of trouble, but also realized how important it was to learn a foreign language well.

3月4日 星期五 晴
今天下午在放学回家的路上,我遇见两个美国朋友,他们不知道怎么回旅馆了。 他们看起来很着急。我知道那家旅馆在哪儿,所以决定给他们带路。在路上,我告诉他们我们城市已经发生了很大的变化。我还介绍说现在中国学生不必再把大部分时间花在课本上,他们有了更多的空闲时间。在空闲时间里,他们可以发展自己的兴趣爱好,参加一些社会活动。美国朋友也告诉了我一些美国年轻人的情况,增加了我对美国青年的了解。


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