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12-08 20:37:47 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 通用英语星级考 | 人气:958

少儿英语:二星口语模拟训练题是关于 通用英语星级考,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于通用英语星级考教案方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。


PART A 朗读儿歌 Read Aloud (0.5分钟 朗读流畅,语音语调正确,读错一个以上算不通过)

One, two, three, four, five

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive,

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it bite.

This little finger on my right.

PART B看图说词 Look at the Picture and Say the Words(1分钟 9张单词卡须过7)

1 孔雀的图片 peacock

2 侄子的图片 nephew

3 毯子的图片 blanket

4 梳子的图片 comb

5 浴缸的图片 bathtub

6 虾的图片 shrimp

7信封的图片 envelope

8 大楼的图片 building

9 信用卡的图片 credit card

PART C 听说相反 Listen and Say the Opposite (1分钟,5句话三句以上即通过,时间间隔较短)

1 He asked a question. He answered a question.

2 What a clean bedroom it is! What a dirty bedroom it is!

3 Mary got on a train. Mary got off a train.

4 He did well in the exam. He did badly in the exam.

5 Open your English text books, please. Close your English text books, please.

PART D 听听做做 Do What You Hear(1分钟,6个指令至少过4)


Are you ready? Now let’s begin. Take the rubber/eraser and the pencil out of the pencil box. Now wipe away the circle on the paper. With the pencil draw a star in the top right-hand corner of the paper. On the left hand side of the star, write down your English name. Fold the paper and give it to your teacher.

你准备好了吗? 现在让我们开始吧。从铅笔盒里拿出橡皮和铅笔。现在擦去纸上的圆。用铅笔在纸的右上角画一个星星。在星星的左边写上你的名字。折叠纸张并且交给你的老师。

PART E 快听快答 Listen and Respond Quickly(1分钟 7个问题答对5个过,题与题间时间间隔短)

1 In which month is Children’s Day?

儿童节在哪一个月里? In June.

2 What will a caterpillar change into?

毛毛虫会变成什么? A butterfly

3 When do you have breakfast?

你什么时候吃早餐? In the morning.

4 Which can we wear in winter, boots or sandals?

我们能在冬天里穿哪个,靴子还是凉鞋? Boots.

5 How many toilets are there in your house?

你的房子里有多少个厕所? One.

6 Who likes to play cards in yo

our family?

你的家里谁喜欢打牌? My father.

7 What do you use to brush your teeth? 你用什么来刷你的牙齿? Toothbrush. / Tooth-paste.

PART F 看图回答问题 Answer Questions according to the Picture ( 5个问题至少答对3个过)






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