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12-08 20:35:11 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 通用英语星级考 | 人气:156

少儿英语四星级口试模拟题测试是关于 通用英语星级考,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于通用英语星级考教案方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。


Part one quick response Section A : listen to the sentences and respond appropriately. 1. Shall I pack this for you ? 2. What is Einstein famous for? 3. What are the four great inventions of ancient

Part one quick response

Section A : listen to the sentences and respond appropriately.

1. Shall I pack this for you ?

2. What is Einstein famous for?

3. What are the four great inventions of ancient china?

4. How often are the Olympic games held?

Section B: listen to the cues in Chinese and respond in English.

5. 如果你寄航空,三、四天就能到。

6. 这个星期的某个时间我可以见一下你们的人事部经理吗?

Part two dialogue listening

SectionA: listen to two short dialogues and speak out your choices.

1. Girl: I really regret that I missed professor king’s lecture this afternoon. I heard it was wonderful!

Boy: Yeah, it was terrific! He gave us some advice on how to write an essay.

Q: How did the girl feel about missing the lecture?

2. M: I heard you had changed jobs. How’s your new one ?

W: Oh, I love it .My new boss is more open-mind and not as bad-tempered as my former boss .And most people in the office are hard-working.

Q: What did the woman think of her former boss?

Section B: listen to one short dialogue and answer two questions.

M: Do you have any plan for this evening ?

W: not yet .Have you got any suggestion?

M: what about going to the health club? It is said that all the activities in the club are free of charge during this month.


1. What does the man suggest doing this evening?

2. Where does the man suggest going?

Part four free talk





四星级口试Free Talk如何复习效果最好?

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