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12-08 20:27:35 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 通用英语星级考 | 人气:925

少儿英语三星级口试试卷是关于 通用英语星级考,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于通用英语星级考教案方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。


三、听说相反 1,The weather is very cold outside. 2,Chinese is our first class on Monday. 3,The ferry moves in the Huangpu river slowly. 4,This English dictionary is so heavy. 5,Do you have any questi


1,The weather is very cold outside.

2,Chinese is our first class on Monday.

3,The ferry moves in the Huangpu river slowly.

4,This English dictionary is so heavy.

5,Do you have any question to ask?


1,When is Christmas Eye?

2,Who sings best in your school?

3,How many weeks are there in a year?

4,Is the Century Park near your home?

5,How does your father go to work?

6,Does your monther buy fish and meat?

7,Can you cook?


Are you ready?Now let's begin.

You can see some toys in the box.

Take a bear our of the box and put it on the desk.

Then take a dog and a cat out of the box.

Place the dog to the right of the bear.

Then place the cat to the left of dog.

Now put the magazine at the bottom of the dog.

Please put all the toys on the desk into the drawer.

Thank you.That's the end of the activity.


1,What is the boy doing?

2,Where is the toy panada?

3,Can you see a toy dog near the box?

4,Is the boy wearing sun glasses?

5,How many blocks are there in the boy's hand?








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