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12-08 20:34:06 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 中考英语模拟题 | 人气:512

2017学年度南门学校九年级英语上期中考试卷是关于 中考英语模拟题,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于中考英语模拟题大全,中考英语复习资料大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。





(    )6.A.Thanks a lot. B.Yes,I have .C.No,I wasn’t.

(    )7.A..Yes,I’d love to . B.Me too. C.See you later.

(    )8.A.He likes the job. B.Every day. C.For four years.

(    )9.A.Yes,he did.  B.Sorry,I don’t .  C.He is great.

(    )10.A.Yes, it is.  B.Yes, it does.  C.So does it.



(    )11.How does the girl like the TV program?

A.She thinks it wonderful . B.She doesn’t mind it.C.She can’t stand it.


(    )12.What’s the probable relationship (关系)between the two speakers?

A.Doctor and patient .B.Driver and policeman  C.Teacher and student.


(    )13.What’s the man doing ?

A.Going to bed.  B.Watching TV.  C.Writing a report.


(    )14.What does the woman ask the boy to do?

A,To get up.  B.To have breakfast. C.To take out the garbage.


(    )15.When did the boy go to visit his grandpa ?

A.Last week.  B.Last summer   C.Last winter.

(    )16.What can we learn about the boy’s grandpa ?

A.He lives with the boy’s family .

B.He likes living in the countryside.

C.He likes going fishing.

(    )17.Who has never been to the countryside ?

A.The girl .  B.The boy.  C.The boy’s parents.


(    )18.What are some people doing near the girl’s house?

A.Building a house .B. Building a road. C. Building a factory.

(    )19.How long have they worked ?

A.For a week. B.For two weeks .C.For more than a month.

(    )20.What do the girl and her neighbours complain (抱怨)about?

A.There is too much noise.

B.They have no road to walk on .

C.They have no places to live.


(    )21.What programs did the poor living conditions cause?

A.Health problems.  B.Education problems. C.population problems

(    )22.When did the government set up the HDB?

A.In 1960.  B.In 1965.   C.In 1968

(    )23.How many flats has the HDB built ?

A.Over 70,000  B.Over 700,000  C.Over 7,000,000

(    )24.What does the HDB aim to do?

A.To make every citizen in Singapore live in a flat.

B. To make Singapore a much more beautiful country.

C.To make it easy for citizens in Singapore to own a flat.

(    )25.What percentage of people there live in the HDB flats today?

A.About 50%  B.Less than 70%  C.More than 80%


National  Tree Week

When did it start? In(26)_______________________

Its aim To(27) _____________more people to plant trees.

Time From March 7to March (28)___________

How did students celebrate it this year? They (29)___________and read poems about trees .They learned how to look after trees from (30)______________lessons.


Part One语言知识应用(40分)

工.选择填空从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出能填入句中空格的最佳答案。(15 分)

(    )31.The old man is ill and he doesn’t feel like __________.

A.to eat something  B.to eat anything

C.eating something D.eating anything

(    )32.The scientist tried his best to make his view __________.

A.to understand B. understand C.understood D.understanding

(    )33.---All the clerks went home ________Mr.Wang .

---Why ?

---Because he had to finish his work.

A. except  B.besides  C.without  D.beside

(    )34.The number of ______in our class_____fifty.

A.student;is   B.the students;are  C.the students;is  D. students;are

(    )35.---Are you planning to Disneyland?

---Yes,________next Monday.

---By train?That’s wonderful.

A.I’m going there by bus          B.I will take a train there

C.I’m flying  there              D.I’m going to ride a bike there

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