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12-08 20:07:59 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 中考英语模拟题 | 人气:527

2017年春北京市期中英语模拟试题是关于 中考英语模拟题,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于中考英语模拟题大全,中考英语复习资料大全方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。


一、 听力部分(共两节,20分)



1. Which of the following pictures are they talking about?


2. What did Linda do over the weekend?


3. Which of the pictures is the two speakers talking about?


4. What does the man like?


5. Where does Mike's father work?





6. What are they talking about ?

A.      Something about London.     B. Something about a picnic.      C. Something about a car.

7. When was the car bought?

A.      Half a week ago.      B. A week ago.       C. Two weeks ago.


8. Who was ill last weekend?

A. Mr Brown.       B.Mrs Brown.        C.Jackson

9. How soon will Mr Brown be back?

A.      In two days.      B. In five days.     C. In ten days.

10. What do you know about Mrs Brown's son?

A. He has been ill since last Saturday evening.

B. He had a fever eight days ago.

C. He had a headache more than a week ago.


11. What's the man's telephone number?

A.      51518186.        B. 51051816.       C. 55118186.

12. Whose CD player is wrong?

A. Uncle Lu's.       B. Jenny's.       C. The man's.

13. What's the woman going to go this evening?

A. To mend her CD player.      B.To have her CD player mended.      C .To telephone her uncle for help.


14. What's the man doing?

A . Having sports.       B. Asking the time.       C. Asking the way.

15. Where is the man going?

A. To a post office.        B. To a bookstore.        C. To a cinema.

16. How will the man go there?

A. By car.        B. By bus.         C. On foot.


17. When does Mrs Green go to buy some fruit?

A.      On Saturday.       B. On Sunday.       C. On Monday.

18. Where does Mrs Green buy fruit?

A.      In a shop near her house.      B. In a shop far from her house.     C. On a farm near her house.

19. What does Mr Green like best?

A. Apples.     B. Oranges.    C. Bananas.

20. How often does Mrs Green go to buy fruit?

A.      Once a week.     B. Twice a weeek.      C. Three times a month.

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