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Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply

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 Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply

教 学 目 标德育目标:To research science and love science

知识目标: To understand passages involving present perfect perfect tense

能力目标:To learn a reading skill ----- Scanning

To know the history about paper inventing


Create, produce, ink, against, knowledge, spread, introduction, receive,


made of, at a time, by hand, at the beginning of, in a way, rather than, one day

课型Reading and writing

教法PWP approach

Teaching Procedures:

Step I: Revision

Have/has been + done

This book/ discuss/ on telephone

It/ buy/by thousands of people

Children/tell to read this book

The book/ print/ again and again

Other books /write /about this book

Must/can/may be read

1. a) All students must read this book.

b) This book _____________by all students.

2. a) Everyone can understand his ideas.

b) His ideas ________________by everyone.

3. a)I could not fine her books anywhere.

b) Her books ________________anywhere.

4. a) For a long time, many people could not use computers.

b) Computers__________________by many

5. a) We can do the work now if you want.

b) The work _____________now if you want.

6. a) You must not take these magazines from the library.

b) These magazines _________________from the library .

Reading and vocabulary

1. Talk in pairs

What are the advantages of both book and computers?

Can books be replaced by computers?

2. Read and get the main ideas of the paragraphs

P1 c. Life on paper and in print

P2 a. The world before books

P3. b. The invention of printing

P4. d. Technology and books

P5. e. Can books be replaced by computers?

Language Points

1. looks through 浏览,温习

e.g. He looked through many books in order to find the correct answer. 为了找到正确答案,他查阅了许多书籍.

2. with– without 带有… / 没有…

e.g. He found a house with many trees around. 他找到了一所周围有许多树的房子.

He went to school without breakfast today. 他今天没有吃早饭就去上学了.

3. be made of ----

be made from---

be made up of ---

be made in------

be made by—

be made into –--

Ex. 1. Look at the camera, Where is it ________________? Japan.

2. The table is ____________wood, while paper is ___________wood.

3. Our class is ______________twenty boys and twenty three girls.

4. The metal can be ____________ a knife.

5. This kind of car is _____________ many workers in the factory.

4. write words on--

make a book --

in those days --

at a time --

by hand ---

as a result ----

Ex. 1. He could even eat three hamburgers ____________, ____________ he became very fat.

2. This picture is produced ___________, so it’s very expensive.

3. _______________ there were few people knew about computers.

4. They tried to _____________ paper in order to ___________

5. put… against 将…放进/刻进

hold… against 将…贴到

6. at the beginning of 在…初/ 开始时

after that 然后,之后

in a way 以…方式

7. compare…. with…. 与….相比 , 与….相媲美

You can’t compare him with Tom, they’re different. as compared with… 与…比较

He’s really done better as compared with last term

9. rather than 胜过,而不愿

e.g. He would choose Sunday rather than Saturday.

I would like to go with you rather than stay at home.

prefer to do… rather than do… 情愿…而不..

be replaced by 被….所替代 be read online 在网上阅读

3. Make notes to complete the timeline.

4. Answer the questions

1. Why were books expensive and rare before the invention of printing?

2. Why did ideas spread more quickly when books became cheaper?

3. What can we use instead of books to get information?

Answer the questions

Use the words in the box: create, develop, hold keep, produce, receive, spread

1. When was paper first created? When do you think books were first created?

2. Were books produced by hand or by machine at first?

3. What was the paper held against? When was printing developed?

5. What can be kept on CD-ROMs?

6. What can be received online?

7. How did ideas spread in the past? How do ideas spread today?


6. Complete the sentences

1. Its hard to imagine life without paper or print because…

2. Books could only be produced one at a time because…

3. Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply after the 11th century because…

4. We may not need books in the future because…

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