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Topic 1 When were you born教

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 Topic 1 When were you born教案


1学习关于形状的单词 shape square circle triangle vectangle oval

2学习其它新词和短语 present hill just now ago football

3学习描述物体的形状. 颜色. 尺寸 和用途.




1 Read 1a and answer.(读1a 且回答).

(1)What is the present for kangkang’ birthday?

(2)What color is it?

2 Read and translate(读并且翻译下列短语.句子)

飞机模型 再猜 看一看

正确 恐怕



3 Listen and repeat (听且跟读)

4 Read again and act out(读并且表演对话)

5 Make similar dialogue(做类似的对话)

6 Read 2a and practice after the example, then write down their own dialogue(读2a,根据例句练习然后把自己的对话写下来.)

7 Write and finish 2b(写出下列词并且完成2b)

方型的 圆形的 三角形 长方形 椭圆形

8 Practice part 3,then act out their dialogue(练习第三部分且表演对话)



(1)Tomorrow is your birthday. How do you (计划) celebrate it?

(2) was the yesterday?(昨天几号)

(3) ---What’s this ? ---It’ a (给的礼物)my friend Jane.

(4) I (恐怕)I can’t go swimming with you .

(5) We want to buy an Mp4 to give him (惊喜)

2 选择最佳答案。

(1)---Sally, what’s your present?

---It’s round.

A the shape of B a shape of C the shape for

(2) ---What your day one year ago?

---Very small. But now it’s very big.

A was; like B is; like C looked ; like .

(3) --- is the Great Wall?

---3 — 5 meters

A How long B How wide C How old

(4)---Eden, where were you ?

---I was in the library.

A now B ago C just now

(5)---Xuming, whose purse is this ?

---It be Tom’s .His student card is in it.

A must B can C may

(6)---What do you use the mp4

---We use it to listen music.

A of; for B for; to C to;



What’s your present?

is it?

(2) 我们用它做什么?用来放铅笔,尺子,橡皮等等。

---What do we it ?

---We it pencils ,rulers , erasers and

(3) 刚才它是什么形状?是方形的。

---What shape it .

---It a .

(4)它刚才像一朵花吗? 不,不像。它像一个星星。

Was it like a flower ?

No, . It was a star.


--- is it?

---It’s 24 .


假如今天是你的生日,你朋友为你买了一个MP4,请描述一下你的礼物.词数60词左右.参考词汇:rectangle, look like,color, long ,wide ,use.



七年级英语上册Starter Unit 5单元复习学案 

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