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12-08 20:34:06 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 高二英语教案 | 人气:344

高二英语教案:Sharing教案是关于 高二英语教案,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于高二英语下册教案,人教版高二英语教案,高二英语选修七教案方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。



Unit 4 Sharing




Jo worked at a bush school 1 classroom were made from bamboo and grass. There’s no electricity or water there. It 2 the students about two hours 3 (get) to the school. Jo hoped to make some difference to the Children’s lives by teaching them. The other day, Jo visited Tombe’s home. When they arrived 4 the village, Tombe’s mother who 5 (work) in the garden , started crying “ieee ieee”. Tombe’s father led them to his house, 6 low bamboo hut with grass 7 (突出) out of the roof, 8 he could only see a few tin plates and cups and greens. That night Jo and Jenny slept on a 9 (新近地) made platform. They left the village the next morning 10 many goodbyes and shaking of hands.

答案: 1. whose 2. took 3. to get 4. at 5. had been working

6. a 7. sticking 8. what 9. newly 10. after

2课文大意概括 (旨在训练用30个单词概括大意的能力)



The passage tells us abou_________________________________________________________________


答案:The passage tells us about Rosemary’s experience as a volunteer teacher in a poor remote area and also gives us a description of her unforgettable first visit to Tombe’s family.

3课文佳句背诵与仿写 (旨在培养对难句的理解和运用能力)

1.【原句】The other day I was showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling over everywhere. 有一天,我正在给孩子们做每周一次的化学实验的演示,我还没明白怎么回事,混合剂就到处冒气泡了。

[模仿要点] 句子结构: when + 时间状语从句+before +时间状语从句



答案:Chenkaige, director of MeiLanfang , was making quantities of preparations for the movie when, even before it was put on , he suffered from great stress.



答案:It was August , before we knew he had joined the army, when we received a letter from him.



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