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教学设计方案 Lesson 71

03-06 18:57:13 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 高一英语教案 | 人气:495

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教学设计方案 Lesson 71

Teaching Aims
  1. Practise Indirect Speech .
  2. Do the listening practice. Make sure the students understand the listening material.
Step I Practice
  SB Lesson 71, Part 1. Go through the answers in the second column to reinforce the language items in the Presentation. Then match the first two questions and answers with the whole class, before they work in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.
Answers: 1.e  2.c  3.d  4.f  5.a  6.b
Step II Practice
  Change the questions in the exercise in Part 1 with the whole class, then let the Ss work on the exercise in Part 2 in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class. Answers:
Part 1:
  1.He asked her what she was looking for.
  2.He asked her what kind of necklace it was.
  3.He asked her where she had lost it.
  4.He asked her what it looked like.
  5.He asked her if it was valuable.
  6.He asked her how much the necklace was worth.
Part 2:
  1.She asked her where she had been all these years.
  2.She asked her if times had been hard for her.
  3.She asked her what had happened.
  4.She asked him where they were holding the ball.
  5.He asked her how much a new dress cost.
  6.He asked her if she needed to wear any jewellery.
  7.He asked her if she had a friend who might lend her some jewellery.
  8.She asked him if they had invited anyone else in his office to the ball.
  9.She asked him if the ball was held every year.
  10.He asked her if the necklace was valuable.
  11.He asked her how much the necklace was worth.
  12.He asked her how much this necklace cost.
  13.He asked her if she thought it had been stolen by a thief.
Step III Preparation for listening
  SB Lesson 71, Part 3. Wb Listening, Unit 18, page 124. Discuss the pictures in Ex. 1 before you play the tape. Go through each exercise in turn before you carry out the exercise, to make sure the Ss understand what to do.
Step IV Listening
  Listening Cassette Unit 18. Do each exercise one by one. Play the tape, then let the Ss discuss their answers. Play the tape again if necessary, then check the answers with the whole class.
Step V Workbook
  Wb Lesson 71, Exx. 1 - 3.
  Do all these exercises orally first in class.
Step VI Homework
  Finish the Workbook exercises.

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