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12-08 20:24:32 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 三年级英语教案 | 人气:118

Hello第一课时教案设计是关于 三年级英语教案,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于小学三年级英语教案,三年级下册英语教案,三年级上册英语教案方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。



Ⅰ、Teaching contents

Part A: let’s talk in P4 and let’s sing in P6.

Ⅱ、Teaching Aims

1、Learn the names:Mike 、Chen Jie、Miss White、Wu Yifan、Sarah、John、Mr Black、Bai Ling

2、Learn the words “Hello”“Hi”“Goodbye”“Bye”.Enable the students to use these words well.

3、Learn the pattern “Hello\Hi,I’m XXX” .Enable the students to use the pattern well.

4、Learn the “Hello”song in P6.

Ⅲ、Teaching materials

Name cards with the names in Teaching Aims 1.

Tape recorder .

Ⅳ、Teaching Steps

Step 1:Greetings and Presentation

1、Present the words “Hello”and“Hi”.

T:Hello,boys and girls.

S:Hello.(Lead the students to answer with “Hello”and write it on the blackboard.)

T: I’m your English teacher ,you can call me Miss Huang ,OK?

Do the greeting again .

T:There is another way to say greeting to me is the word “Hi”(write it on the blackboard.) “Hello”and“Hi”could be used alternately.

Do the greetings with some students.

2、Games for practice

(Learn the names:Mike 、Chen Jie、Miss White、Wu Yifan、Sarah、John、Mr Black、Bai Ling and give the name cards to some students in different groups.)

T:Remember your names then I’ll call you .If I call you ,you should stand up and say “Hello\Hi,I’m XXX” (write it on the blackboard.)

(First time use the names on the card ,second time practice with their real names)

T:Now I would like you to introduce yourself to your classmate and say“Hello”and“Hi”to him\her .


Hello, Hello.


Hello, Hello Mike; Hello, Hello Chen Jie;

Hi,Hi Miss White;Hi,Hi Wu Yifan;

Hello, Hello Sarah; Hello, Hello John;

Hi,Hi Mr Black; Hi,Hi,Bai Ling.

4、Game for consolidation

(Put up all the name cards with pictures on the blackboard.Choose representatives from each group.)

T:Hello,I’m Mr Black.(Mike……)

(After hearing the orders , representatives should do their best to touch the picture .The quick one is the winner,their group will get the score.)

T: Goodbye\ Bye,XXX.

S: Goodbye\ Bye.

5、Come to the text.P4 Let’s talk.

Lead the students to recognize the words (Hello\Hi\I’m \ Goodbye\ Bye) in the dialogue and imitate to read aloud the dialogue while listening to the tape recorder.

6、Learn the song in let’s sing in P6 with the gestures.


1、 Act out the dialogue with your classmates.

2、 Sing the song with the gestures to your parents.

3、 Enable to say (Hello\Hi\I’mXXX\ Goodbye\ Bye) in daily life.



www.jiaoxue51.com小学频道      三年级英语教案

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