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牛津六年级英语Unit 1 Public signs教案

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牛津六年级英语Unit 1 Public signs教案

牛津英语6A教案 Unit 1 Public signs



1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:mean, danger, should, shouldn’t, litter, park, cycle.

2. 能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:public, a sign, grass, quiet, touch, keep off.

3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it meam? It means you shouldn’t …


1. 能正确听说读会写句型:What does it meam? It means you shouldn’t …

2. 能正确能听说读写单词:mean, danger, should, shouldn’t, litter, park, cycle.


一. Everyday English:

How are you?

Pass the ball to …

Give the pen to …

Where’s …

What’s the score?

二.Presentation and practise:

1. T: Let’s go the the park.(多媒体展示公园情景,出现许多公共标志牌)

T: What’s this? It’s public signs.

Learn : public signs.

T: Let’s look at some public signs on the Internet.多媒体展示九个标志。

T: Can you read them?

学生能朗读其中的八个:No parking. No eating and drinking. Keep quiet. Do not touch.



2.T: (Point to a sign)What does this sign mean?

板书: What does this sign mean?


T: It means “No smoking”.

板示: No smoking. 学习这句话。

让学生回答smoking 的动词原形,smoke,并再次复习它的变化规则。

T: What does this sign mean?

S: It means “No smoking.”.

T: Yes. It means you shouldn’t smoke.

板示:It means you shouldn’t smoke. 并学习这句话。

讲解 shouldn’t=should not ,should为情态动词,意思为应该,后跟动词原形。

3. T: What does this sign mean?

T: It means “No littering.”

板示:No littering. 学习这句话。

litter为littering 的动词原形,意为乱丢杂务。

同理学习: No parking. No cycling.

注意park的意思与以前不同意思为停放汽车。 cycling的动词原形为cycle.

4. 叫一学生上前来问:What does it mean?

T: It means “Danger.”


S: What does it mean?

T: It means you should keep off the grass.

学习:Keep off the grass.

5. 跟读这九个句子,然后齐读,指名读。

6.同桌用What does it mean? It means ….就书上九句话来问答,以巩固所学内容。

三.Look and say:

1. 让学生分组讨论标志的含义。

2. 排学生分组操练,根据图意用What does it mean? It means you shouldn’t … 进行问答。

3. 然后两两问答。


1. 能识别所学公共标志,并能流利朗读。

2. 用书面形式完成C 部分的六幅图。

3. 抄写四会单词。

4. 预习A部分的对话。

教后感:公共标志是学生所熟悉的东西。抓住这点提起学生的学习兴趣。用should 和shouldn’t做什么,来巩固这两个词。



1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make,mean

2.能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:a cousin, always, a question, a cage, make noise.

3.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that meam? It means you /we should/must/shouldn’t …


1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make,mean

3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that meam? It means you /we should/must/shouldn’t …



What does it mean?

It means you should/shouldn’t …


二.Presentation and practise:

1. 出示‘Danger’标志及课文挂图。

T: There’s a sign on the wall.What does it mean?

S: It means “Danger”.

T: It means you must stay away from the building.

学习must, stay away.

讲解: must 为情态动词,意为必须,后跟动词原形。

在此复习 should, can 同为情态动词,后跟动词原形。

Stat away意为远离。

2. 出示课文第二张挂图。

T: What’s on the grass?

S: There’s a sign on the grass.

T: What does it mean?

S: It means we should keep off the grass.

T: Yes. It means we shouldn’t walk on the grass.

Read: walk on the grass.

T: Look , what’s this? It’s a bird’s cage.

Learn: cage.

T: Look at this sign. What does it mean?

S: It means ‘Keep quiet”!

T: Yes. It means we shouldn’t make noise here.

Learn: make noise.

3. 介绍图上人物。

T: Who’s he?

S: He’s Ben.

T: Who’s he?

S: He’s Ben’s cousin.

Learn: cousin.并解释意思。

T: Where are they?

S: They’re in the park.

T: Ben’s cousin has a lot of questions.You know “a lot of questions”?

出示:a lot of questions 学读并了解意思。

T: Now he is asking Ben some questions about the signs.

Learn: ask .. about …

4. 听课文录音回答问题。

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