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六年级英语Holidays 第4课时教案

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六年级英语Holidays 第4课时教案是关于 六年级英语教案,方面的资料,本站还有更多关于小学六年级英语教案,六年级下册英语教案,六年级上册英语教案方面的资料,http://www.jiaoxue51.com。

www.jiaoxue51.com小学频道搜集整理了六年级英语Holidays 第4课时教案,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

六年级英语Holidays 第4课时教案

第四课时 上课时间:


1、Review B and E.

2、Learn A.


Be able to read the text and answer some questions.


have a big lunch visit their relatives and friends delicious food dress up in costumes


Tape-recorder, pictures


一. Warming up

Read B&E.

二 . Preparation.


2.Free talk

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

三. Revision

Have a dictation.

Mid-Autumn Festival, dragon boat races, have a long holiday, a popular holiday, in January or February, eat moon cakes, play with beautiful lanterns, Spring Festival, eat a lot of delicious food, meet friends and relatives.

四. Presentation

1. the first paragraph

a. Listen to the tape.

b. Questions.

What’s the date today?

Why are the teachers and the students getting excited?

What are they talking about?

Christmas is coming.

get very excited


2. the 2nd paragraph

a. Listen to the tape.

b. Questions

When’s Christmas?

What holiday comes after Christmas?

What day comes after Sunday?

on the 25th of December

come after

3. the3rd paragraph

a. Listen to the tape.

b. Questions

Did David go to a party last year?

What did he do last year?

Did Yang Ling visit her friends and relatives?

What else did he do?

go to parties

have a big lunch

visit their relatives and friends delicious food

4. the 4th paragraph

a. Listen to the tape.

b. Questions

What’s Ben’s favourite holiday?

What do people do at Halloween?

Did Ben dress up in costumes?

What did he do?

dress up in costumes

3. the 5th paragraph

a. Listen to the tape.

b. Questions

What’s Yang Ling’s favourite holiday?

What did she do?

moon cakes

6. Read the text.

7. Do the exercise.

五. Homework

1. Recite the phrases.

2. Read A..

 以上就是六年级英语Holidays 第4课时教案全文,希望能给大家带来帮助!


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