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Could you please tell me where the restrooms are教案

12-08 20:42:33 | www.jiaoxue51.com | 初三英语教案 | 人气:994

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 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are教案


1. The drugstore is between the furniture store and the bookstore.

(1)between prep.“在……两者之间”,常与and连用。例如:

Do you know the difference between the two verbs“bring”and“take”?


(2)among prep.“在……当中”,指三者或三者以上之间。例如:

They saw a village among the hills.


2.I prefer being outside.

prefer vt.“较喜欢”宁愿”,其后可接名词、-ing形式及动词不定式,还可用在“prefer…to…”结构中,表示“喜欢……而不喜欢……”。例如:

Do you prefer coffee or tea?


I prefer walking after supper.


He prefers to wait until evening.


I prefer doing to talking.


3.It’s also just fun to watch people.

“It’s+名词/形容词+to do sth.”结构,其中“作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。例如:

It is a great pleasure to talk with him。


It is necessary for us to have some exercise every day.













三、Activity and Probe

Goal:To review the structures, functions and key vocabulary words in Units 8~11.


Demonstrate how to play the game.

Divide students into two teams, Team A and Team B.

Look at the pictures. Point out that there are four questions and answers for each invention. Take turns making who, when, what, and can you tell me where questions.

Each team writes their letter (A or B) in the score chart when they ask or answer a question correctly. Each correct question or answer is one point. The team with the most points wins.

Look at the example. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.

A: Who was the CD player invented by?

B: It was invented by James T. Russell.

Ask students to play the game in teams.

Give the team who wins a big hand as an award.


1. Who invented the adding machine?

William Seward Burroughs invented it. Can you tell me where the adding machine was invented? It was invented in the U. S. When was the adding machine invented? It was invented in 1885. What is the adding machine used for? It adds numbers.

2. Who invented the passenger balloon?

Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier invented it.

Can you tell me where the passenger balloon was invented? It was invented in France.

When was the passenger balloon invented? It was invented in 1783. What is the passenger balloon used for? It takes people up in the air.

3. Who invented the CD player? James

Russell invented it. Can you tell me where the CD player was invented? It was invented in the United States. When was the CD player invented? It was invented in 1965. What is the CD player used for? It plays music.

4. Who invented the electric battery?

Alessandro Volta invented it/the electric battery. Can you tell me where the electric battery was invented? It was invented in Italy.

When was the electric battery invented? It was invented in 1800. What is the electric battery used for? It’s used in flashlights and cameras.

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